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When 1 + 1 is less than 2

Life involves partnership – be it individual relationships (e.g. significant others, mothers, bosses) or a group of people (e.g. team, company, friends, family). Our partnerships can significantly impact our potential as an individual. They can be force multipliers or drainers.

We’ve all had the ex that dragged us down, the boss that didn't support us, or the crossfunctional teammate we just didn’t click with. In these cases, our partnerships reduced our individual potential.

On the flip side, there is potential for our partnerships to help us flourish: a parent who encouraged your interests, a spouse that supported your growth, or a team that unlocked greater drive from you.

Try this thought experiment. If we represent an individual’s total potential, experience, knowledge, and happiness as a value, say 1. When we consider partnering with others, we should be looking for an average of at least 1.* Ex. If there are 2 people in a partnership, 1 + 1 = 2 or an individual average of 1.

We can all think of examples where our collective average (the draining ex, the unsupportive boss, etc) was less than 1 too. Ex. 1 + 1 = 1.8 or an individual average or 0.9. These are bad partnerships for us.

Throughout our life we all learn, gain perspective, have new experiences, and discover unrealized abilities. These shifts can be slow or rapid, conscious or unconscious. Individual potential is fluid and will change with time.

Take time to reflect on how a potential or existing partnership is increasing or draining your potential/experience/growth/impact/happiness. Nurture the partnerships that yield greater results for you personally. Find partners that make you greater than 1.

* Arguably, you should be aiming for greater than 1. There are opportunity costs and simply maintaining a 1 average is likely preventing you from reaching greater potential. Drop the boyfriend or quit the job if you’re not greater than your individual potential. You’re missing out on something better.